Curriculum Vitae (English)

Iván Leis Martínez, Lic. & MA
Based on Vigo (Spain) I have developed my career as press journalist, working as reporter, interviewer, correspondent, editor and webmaster on I am used to deal with large amounts of data to organize information as required, in urgent and demanding environments. I’m looking for new challenges on culture and communication fields, and continuous learning.
Writer at FARO DE VIGO (july 1996-now)
This is the oldest Spanish newspaper. Currently on the Closing Section, my main task is the proofreading of our six editions. I do better headlines, leads and other corrections for final publication, also introduce and edit latest news. Besides I cover correspondent positions and write a daily page on hyper-local affairs. For more than 15 years I have known all news sections: Sports, Society, Events, Local, National, International. Further I collaborate with weekend supplements as musical journalist, conducting interviews with artists and event reviews.
Webmaster at (1999-2005)
I had the responsability of launching the digital edition of the newspaper. I took care of HTML programming and management of FTP servers to show the news on the Internet. I developed a system of PDF archive. Also ICT training for co-workers, explaining the use of browsers and email. Reports for the company to develope its Internet activity.
Autonomous collaborator at Creatio Work (mar 2015-aug 2017)
Stay in a coworking space for the development of academic work. Collaboration in activities such as a series of ICT documentaries.
Personal Internet Assesor (Galician) at Lionbridge (jun-aug 2016)
Rating websites and search engine results, on mobile and computer screens.
Web editor at Galicia en el Mundo S.A. (jan-jun 2003)
Digitalization of publications from this Communications Group: Galicia para el Mundo, Canarias para el Mundo… Implementation of the information dump system to the web from the printed editions. IT advice and training.
Freelance writer at (2001-2002)
Stories, interviews and agenda for the Galician youth website.
Masters degree on Applied Anthropology (UNED, 2014-2018)
Official M.A. on Anthropological Research and its Applications. Semester on Erasmus at LMU (Munich, Germany, SoSe 2017). Final project: “Make the jump: modes of incorporation and production of freelance work on the Internet. Six cases of digital freelancers in Vigo, Galicia”.
Social and Cultural Anthropology degree (UNED, 2009-2013)
Second Degree at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, learning main anthropological subjects: Kinship, Politics, Economic, Cognitive and Symbolic, Linguistics, Ethnography.
Journalism, Public Communications degree (UNAV, 1992-96)
First graduate on Public Communications at Universidad de Navarra.
Conservatory of Music of Vigo (1983-1992)
Solfeggio, Harmony, Choral and Piano; medium grade.
- Comercio electrónico (30 horas) + Márketing en Internet (10 horas) en Escuela de Negocios Afundación.
- PDFs con Acrobat 4.0 (Apple).
- Desarrollo de competencias profesionales y personales (UNED).
- English (B1 EU certificate, quite fluent oral and written)
- German (B1.1)
- Spanish: Native
- Galician: Native, allows me near-fully understanding on Portuguese
- Competence on French and Latin
Driving license since 1996. Own vehicle.
Qi-gong, Tai-chi and Zen meditation enthusiast.